Monday, March 9, 2009

A weekend in Buenos Aires

What a great last weekend in BA, we definitely made the right decision in heading back here from Uruguay !

Wanderinmg around the Recoletta and Palermo markets was a fun way to spend a hot sticky afternoon. Then we decided to go to a Tango Show, really good idea !

As part of the Tango show package we also had a free tango lesson, which we were hesitant about, but it turned out to be hilarious. I had no idea the Tango was essentially a walking dance, it was an interesting lesson. Then the show itself included wine and dinner (as Domi was drinking red and I was drinking white, we ended up being given a bottle each, neither of us were compaining - lol). The show was pretty good, it was a 5 act show, with live music and many doferent versions of Tango was danced, plus a couple of very good singers, all in all great show !

Then we went back to the hostel for what was suppoed to be one last beer, but we started talking to some people and ended up at a local Salsa club with them . It was a pretty cool club, we found out later it was a local bar, not a tourist bar, and totally enjoyable.

As it was pretty late (ie about 4:30 am) when we got in on Sat night, we were slow to get up and moving on Sunday, but when we had our bags all packed and hit the streets, it was another gorgeous day. We headed to the San Telmo market, and then as we started wandering the streets dsicovered there were plenty of street markets all over the city. we also went through San martin Plaza and discovered the Unicief Buddy bear display, artists had decorated brears and there were plenty of countries represented (unfortunately no canada bear though..)

All in all a great way to spend our last weekend in Argentina !

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